Monday, March 24, 2014


Holy damn it's been a while and I apologize for that but Season Two is defiantly here and we are planning on releasing it this week!

Now a lot of the stuff we wanted to do, we CAN still do them but we will be experimenting with different studio mics.

Now we won't be using the equipment like we promised for season two but its only because of all the technical problems and un seen delays.  

But with all that said we have recorded a new episode finally.

Episode 21 - 2013 VS 2014

It is in the middle of production as I type this.

And as I keep typing this I want to let you know the episode is finished lol.

Here you go... No more waiting.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Season Two is taking way too long, yes we understand an its ok... Let me brush your hair... Let me wash your skin.

So yes it's taking forever and as much as we hate it we have to grind our teeth while making do with what we got.

So we've made two episodes for our new mini show called The QUICKIE!