Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Season Two Thoughts

So with season two on its way, we are thinking about having more special guests on the show.

We are getting our studio setup... Setup.

We are getting a studio audio mixer with some new professional microphones and  we are in the warily process of sound proofing the studio for a clear audio quality.

We also have some new software we will be using as well.

As much as we are doing and putting into the podcast, we still want to remain like our title. We are called No Pro Audio for a reason.

We are mainly doing all of this for other projects as well as the podcast, our studio will be doing animations, music, comics and podcast.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Season Two Approaches

So we are working on episode 19 now, season two will begin on episode 21.

With season one we are wrapping it up with listener appreciation and a season one look back. 

We hope you join us for season two as we hope some of the new ideas and changes we make will be to your liking.

We won't give off the new ideas and changes just yet but only because its nothing big so don't worry.

We're not changing the format unless we think we can add something good to it. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Delays And Why

So a lot of our friends and listeners including some of our team members who do these side shows have been wondering why it's been taking so long for an episode to come out or why most side shows are not coming out.

Well truth be told I have been a little busy lately with work, pulling in overtime, getting ready for Black Friday and doing studio work.

Most of the side shows probably won't be coming out soon because of how busy everyone is. The anime show will be updated and the ladies show is being worked on, I'm gathering material for the ghost show and its hard to motivate Torey to do another episode for games.

Skits will be updated and right now we are mainly focused on getting the show ready for season two.

We will be changing the opening intro and getting all the best clips for the season one look back.

We are getting a lot of professional, high quality recording software for the studio, that and other software for other projects.

That's it for now, sorry for the delay but we ARE trying.

Monday, November 11, 2013

No Pro Audio Quickie Ep 1

Here's the link to watch episode one of the No Pro Audio Quickie.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I Need A Bigger Team

I know I've got my work cut out for me for the podcast and site but I need a bigger team of people dedicated to different things to help ease up the slack for me. 

Truth be told I have a great team of people who are fully dedicated to the show but I might need to either decide to assign more people for more things or cut down on some things that we are already doing.

Truth be told the podcast is taking up a large part of my free time and I need to fix that so I could work on other projects that I need to be working on other than just the podcast.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Seasons 1and 2 Planned Out

Me and Kevin went ahead and planned out all the topic of the weeks for seasons 1 and 2.

We got some good ones coming out and we hope you like what's in store for you. 

Get ready for episode 17  coming your way soon.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Download Problems/ Solutions???

Well one of the things we've been noticing with our listeners and friends is they can't download our episodes without making an account and here's some of our possible solutions that we will be looking over. 

For one, we dDo enjoy our support and our time to listen to our show and believe it or not your views are a great help to help us figure out the popularity of episode or how well received a certain topic is so we can easily decide better topics for the future or learn what to keep doing or what to change for the better of the show.

So our hosting site is YourListen and to download an uploaded audio file you would need to create an account and then you can download BUT I really don't want to force someone to join another site against their own will just to download an episode so I've been looking at our settings on our account to see of we can let guest download without making an account. 

If we can't then we will make a guest listener account for free for anyone to use  just to log in and download possibly comment on an episode. 

We are dedicated and willing to make it easier for you the listener, there will be restrictions on the account and in order to se those restrictions we will set up the account for that and that only. 

We can't afford to let anyone come in and change the settings, adding other accounts as favorites or upload... Come to think of it that gives me a future idea for down the road of listening life.

Uploaded listener question account... Him...

Well this account will be restricted to download and comment only.  

If you do feel like making an account then  that would be great to see that support because adding an episode to your favorites does help is too but then again we are just here for fun so we won't expect that : D

Well I'll get to work on that but check our site out and listen to Episode 16 - 1930's Appreciation.

Monday, November 4, 2013

No Pro Audio Quickies

So I have more news on the No Pro Audio Quickies. 

It will be a YouTube short animation based on the best moments of certain episodes.

I am 56% finished with the first animation and we are planning on making this a weekly thing when I get caught up on it.

It won't be hard to find, we will be plugging it on the homepage l.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

YouTube Quickies

I'm currently working on a short cheap animation of the best moments of No Pro Audio. 

They will be called No Pro Audio: Quickies.