So we are going to start reviewing each Season as they come to an end just so we can let the audience get a better understanding as to why that season ended up the way it did and so we can go into details about our own personal thoughts about it.
Zach's Review:
Season Two is more of a chaotic Season, we were defiantly trying something new and in doing so we put a lot of time and hope in the equipment we wanted to use and spent the money on but we had too many technical delays that put us way behind schedule.
So with the long wait for Season Two I think it mentally stressed us out more than anything and in doing so we were not mentally prepared for Season Two.
We thought we were because we had the episodes planned out and the format planned out but we never prepared for the season by making several te last recordings until we profected the format.
I was too stressed out and mentally exausted from dealing with the planned mixer we were going to use for season two yet I kept having one problem after the other.
We had too much held In energy that we were dying to release but the long wait for months while Making promises after the other were stressing us out even more.
Well with that said we went into Season Two disappointed, unprepared, stressed, rushed and lost for words am in doing so I think that's what made Season Two not as good as Season One.
Yeah I'm a little disappointed because of how it turned out BUT this was a great learning experience for all of us and for the podcast and now we know what to expect and what not to expect for Season Three.
Because of madness we have Season Three fully planned out and we will be putting a lot more into Season Three to make up for Season Two.
Trust me... It will says I.
The other good thing about Season Two is now we have a backup weapon to help us out while waiting g for Season Three.
Season Two did give birth to the Quickie Show and now we know what to do with it and when to use it.
The quickly will be for I between seasons just so we let our listeners know we are still here and still doing something and still working on the upcoming season.
Kevin's Review:
Ladies, gentlemen, and undecided...
Zach is all over my nutts about writing a review about our show. So to shut him up, here we go.
What can I say about Season deuce. ..yea, well we laughed, we cried, we slammed back a few boiler makers. Which means it was a interesting mix of good and bad. Kinda like eating eggs. They're good for ya but sometimes a bit bad comming out of ya. But I digress. Looking back on season one, I was fortunate enough to be invited to be a guest host. Keep in mind that this was never supposed to be a full time gig, but zach informed me that the audience seemed to respond very well to me. After a few more guest appearences zach asked me to become the permanent co-host. I're welcome!
Now back to season two. Its safe to say that zach and I both were very excited to get back in the studio and get things rolling with new tech toys and better topics to help take the show to the next level. However, life has a way of humbling you down. I take that to mean that maybe we were trying too much too fast. A lot of great material was created, but the moment wasn't quite right. A perfect example of that would be bringing in Sam to join as a third co-host. Sam was a great edition to the show. He brought a new spark and energy to the show, BUT... with all the tech problems and schedules clashing, it just wasn't the right time for everyone.
Season two may seem like a flop or a mess up to a lot of people. I however see it as a great learning experience. As with all artisitc expression, creativity works on its own pace. You can never rush the art. So we have learned a lot during season two. Season three will be more of a "back to basics" while slowly making improvements and stepping up the quality at a more gradual pace. Which will start out with the pepper challenge. Yea that one is my fault for opeing my big fat mouth...
See ya then.