Monday, December 22, 2014

On iTunes and podOmatic

Well we are finally on iTunes through podOmatic.

It took us long enough but it's finally happened and yes we are very excited about it. Hopefully this will open up new possibilities for us and we are hoping to open up new possibilities for you the listener.

Along with that there is a new show that I have been working on that is also on iTunes.

Well it's a revamp from the first podcast I made called Zach N A Pack. Now I want to welcome Zach N A Pack 2!

This revamp is NOTHING like the first show but it's defiantly a change in the right direction. The old show was nothing but bad and I mean bad and I'm glad I took it into this new direction.

I will post all the links at the end of this blog but before I do I'm going to update you I a few more things...

So it's going to be some time before we actually update the show on iTunes and its only because we need to save up some money to pay podOmatic the monthly or yearly fee to keep uploading and hosting the show and at a high quality.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hit With Delays.

Sorry for the delays yet again but this time we have a very good reason for it. Two weeks ago Kevin was hit by a white Tahoe!

This person purposely hit Kevin and left him for dead... Luckily Kevin wasn't hurt too bad or worse. He is in a lot of pain though, he has a lot of bruising, scratches, swelling and a bulging disk.

Besides theat the main thing is he is still alive and still cracking jokes. Not even an SUV can take your favorite co-host down.

We will be talking a little more about it on our next episode along with us clearing out our innox and answering as many emails as we can to make room for new ones.

We will be on a regular schedule again soon and we will be able to update you about the topic of the week ahead of time again so you can write us in about the topic again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Extending Season Two

So we have been putting some real thought into it and Season Two will be extended to equal the amount of episodes Season One had.

Mainly because we feel Season Two will be running too short because ten episodes in our opinion is too short for a full Season. If anything this will help us add a little more to Season Two and now we have half a chance to make Season Two a little more enjoyable for us to be proud of.

This will give us a little more time to save up for Season Three and to give us a little more time to make some well needed studio changes and decisions. The money situation is a little tight and it goes up and then back down again because mainly me and Kevin are going off of my personal income and as much as Kevin wants to put in the money for Season Three it seems to be harder and harder for people to find jobs these days.

I will also like to add that The half of Season Two will be a different turn on topic of the weeks and how we think and speak on the show. It HAS been a while since we've recorded an episode and its because we have been too overwhelmed with studio situations and financial situations.

I know Season Two has been a bit of an unorganized train wreck and we do apologize for that and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Season Three Effort

So I am having to record the Season Three intro and outro here pretty soon.

Since we are making this a video podcast I have decided to make short animations for the intro and outro.

Or so I hope I can. I have an idea of how to do this but if I remember animations
They seem to surprise me.

We are going to try and step it up compared to Season Two and our goal is to make a revamp all in general.

But we will remain pretty much ourselves.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

It starts...

As Season Three approaches it now comes down to the fact it's time to really save up for equipment for he studio.

We really want to step up our game an make some new changes that we think might be better for the show.

We are working on making No Pro Audio a video podcast! But this only means that it might take sometime for season three to start.

But the show will go on even through the transition of Season Three as we bring back and revamp the Quickie.

The Quickie is a short mini series episode of us just talking and updating and we don't use the regular format as of the actual show.

We will still be taking emails and questions and updating you on Season Three.

We are going to bring it back, that was the good thing about Season Two was the fact we have this mini podcast that takes Care of No Pro Audio. This will be a revamp so its will be different compared to the first two episodes of he Quickie.

I have good feelings about Season Three and the directions we are taking for No Pro Audio.

I will give off one more little detail is we are going back to classical music as the background. As Kevin says, "Lass things up!".

We also hope to generate a new workable format for you other than how Season Two went. That was just a train wreck sweety!

But there will be some new stuff coming our way in the future. I have a guy feeling about it and the ideas and possibilities are endless I guess.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Season Three Preparations

Well I've been finding myself going back over the planned out Season Three format and episode listings.

Season Two had some good topics but I feel they weren't relatable to most people nor did we prepare for the topics ahead of time.

So I'm rethinking the topics for every episode to make them easily relatable or if it would open up a good discussion.

We will be preparing for every topic two or three weeks ahead of time, this way we can stay on topic and have something worth hearing about instead of first thought out opinions.

I'm not sure how long the transition will be from Season Two to Season Three but no matter how long the wait os I know this will all be worth it in the end.

Gathering the equipment for Season Three will take some time not only financially but physically because we need to test out all the new equipment and make sure it all works before rushing into Season Three.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Season Two Review

So we are going to start reviewing each Season as they come to an end just so we can let the audience get a better understanding as to why that season ended up the way it did and so we can go into details about our own personal thoughts about it.

Zach's Review:
Season Two is more of a chaotic Season, we were defiantly trying something new and in doing so we put a lot of time and hope in the equipment we wanted to use and spent the money on but we had too many technical delays that put us way behind schedule.

So with the long wait for Season Two I think it mentally stressed us out more than anything and in doing so we were not mentally prepared for Season Two.

We thought we were because we had the episodes planned out and the format planned out but we never prepared for the season by making several te last recordings until we profected the format.

I was too stressed out and mentally exausted from dealing with the planned mixer we were going to use for season two yet I kept having one problem after the other.

We had too much held In energy that we were dying to release but the long wait for months while Making promises after the other were stressing us out even more.

Well with that said we went into Season Two disappointed, unprepared, stressed,  rushed and lost for words am in doing so I think that's what made Season Two not as good as Season One.

Yeah I'm a little disappointed because of how it turned out BUT this was a great learning experience for all of us and for the podcast and now we know what to expect and what not to expect for Season Three.

Because of madness we have Season Three fully planned out and we will be putting a lot more into Season Three to make up for Season Two.

Trust me... It will says I.

The other good thing about Season Two is now we have a backup weapon to help us out while waiting g for Season Three.

Season Two did give birth to the Quickie Show and now we know what to do with it and when to use it.

The quickly will be for I between seasons just so we let our listeners know we are still here and still doing something and still working on the upcoming season.

Kevin's Review:

Ladies, gentlemen,  and undecided...

Zach is all over my nutts about writing a review about our show. So to shut him up, here we go. 

What can I say about Season deuce. ..yea, well we laughed, we cried, we slammed back a few boiler makers. Which means it was a interesting mix of good and bad. Kinda like eating eggs. They're good for ya but sometimes a bit bad comming out of ya. But I digress.  Looking back on season one, I was fortunate enough to be invited to be a guest host. Keep in mind that this was never supposed to be a full time gig, but zach informed me that the audience seemed to respond very well to me. After a few more guest appearences zach asked me to become the permanent co-host. I're welcome!

Now back to season two. Its safe to say that zach and I both were very excited to get back in the studio and get things rolling with new tech toys and better topics to help take the show to the next level. However, life has a way of humbling you down. I take that to mean that maybe we were trying too much too fast. A lot of great material was created, but the moment wasn't quite right. A perfect example of that would be bringing in Sam to join as a third co-host. Sam was a great edition to the show. He brought a new spark and energy to the show, BUT... with all the tech problems and schedules clashing, it just wasn't the right time for everyone.  

Season two may seem like a flop or a mess up to a lot of people. I however see it as a great learning experience. As with all artisitc expression, creativity works on its own pace. You can never rush the art. So we have learned a lot during season two. Season three will be more of a "back to basics" while slowly making improvements and stepping up the quality at a more gradual pace. Which will start out with the pepper challenge. Yea that one is my fault for opeing my big fat mouth... 

See ya then.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Podcast Hosts and Special Guests

No Pro Audio wouldn't be what it is today thanks to our listeners but we would also like to make a special thanks to the team and guests who have made their contribute to the show.

    Zach Dailey: Creator/ Host

    Kevin Berry: Co-Host
    First Appearance: Episode 4

    Samuel Geyer:
    Season Two Third Co-Host
    First Appearance:
    Episode 2 of The Quickie
    And Episode 21

    Brad James: Season One Co-Host
    First Appearance: Episode 1

    Torey Bell: Special Guest
    First Appearance: Episode 5

    Deanna Dailey:
    No Pro Audio: Ladies Edition Host
    (Side Show) Episode 1

    Colin Lovely: Special Guest
    First Appearance: Episode 11

   Matt Johnson: Specil Guest 
   First Appearance: Episode 26

   Trevor Forthman: Special Guest
   First Appearance: Episode 12

    Robert Leffler: Special Guest
    First Appearance:
    (Never Aired) Failed Episode 24

    Kody Davis: Special Guest
    First ppearance:
    (Never Aired) Failed Episode 24

Thank you everyone!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Full Episode Update

 So it's been a while since we've last put up an episode and that's my bad and by my bad I'm going to blame Kevin and Sam.

... Even though they don't have any respond abilities for the blog.

Actually the only thing they have to do is show up.

Anyways here is an entire list of every episode for every season that is currently released and published.

Season one

Episode 1 - The Beginning

Episode 2 - The Madness

Episode 3 - Abduction

Episode 4 - Horror Movies

Episode 5 - Dreams

Episode 6 - Video Games

Episode 7 - Anything Ghost Tribute

Episode 8 - Anything Ghost Tribute Pt. 2

Episode 9 - Drinking

Episode 10 - School Clicks

Episode 11 - Minecraft

Episode 12 - Awkward Moments

Episode 13 - The Three Stooges Appreciation 

Episode 14 - Side Shows

Episode 15 - Disney Movies

Episode 16 - 1930's Appreciation

Episode 17 - The 90's

Episode 18 - The Filming Industry

Episode 19 - Listener Appreciation

Episode 20 - Season one Look Back

Season Two

Episode 21 - (Season Two) 2013 VS 2014

Episode 22 - If You Were God?

Episode 23 - Weird News Articles

Episode 24 - Pranks

Episode 25 - HorrorMovies Pt. 2

Episode 26 - Three Wishes

Episode 27 - Zombies

Episode 28 - STD's

Friday, June 27, 2014

Site changes & 4shared

So we have been working on the site a lot lately and it has been an everyday effort of non stop work.

So we have changed our Archive page since we won be able to use a playlist at this time we have came up with a simple and easy to follow look for everyone to find the right Season or Episodes that they are needing to catch up or easily locate.

These changes won't be published or neither will the links work until we get all of our links updated, checked and published.

As for re uploading all of season one up to our recent episodes on season two, this too as been a non stop work in progress.

I have been uploading two episodes at once without having to bog down my Internet connection.

Gotta have Netflix and my gaming going on.

Hope to get this all done soon.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Upcoming Season Three

It's been a while since we've updated this blog and we apologize for that.

Well lets talk for a bit about the new upcoming Season Three.

First of all for those have been keeping up with the actual show then you will know that Season Two was a big bomb that exploded in our faces.

BUT we have learned a lot from Season Two and because of that we have a good game plan for Season Three.

First of all the format will pretty much stay the same besides a couple of changes here and there.

We ARE planning to have the right equipment that we are needing for this next season.

New studio mics like we were wanting for Season Two and instead of trying to rely on a mixer, we will be using an audio interphase.

We are saving up money so we can turn No Pro Audio into a video podcast so if audio isn't enough for some of you listeners then you can watch us on YouTube and iTunes.

We are considering a live stream as well but that's only an idea at this time and we will be using chatroulet as well.

Shout outs will be in the beginning of the show and voicemails will be tagged in with emails.

We already have our list made for the topic of the week do every episode for Season Three and we will have those up on the site before Season Three starts up.

Don't miss the first episode of Season Three as we all get fired up for it by eating a havaniro pepper, so you don't want to miss that.

Stay tuned as we try to keep you up to date.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Holy damn it's been a while and I apologize for that but Season Two is defiantly here and we are planning on releasing it this week!

Now a lot of the stuff we wanted to do, we CAN still do them but we will be experimenting with different studio mics.

Now we won't be using the equipment like we promised for season two but its only because of all the technical problems and un seen delays.  

But with all that said we have recorded a new episode finally.

Episode 21 - 2013 VS 2014

It is in the middle of production as I type this.

And as I keep typing this I want to let you know the episode is finished lol.

Here you go... No more waiting.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Season Two is taking way too long, yes we understand an its ok... Let me brush your hair... Let me wash your skin.

So yes it's taking forever and as much as we hate it we have to grind our teeth while making do with what we got.

So we've made two episodes for our new mini show called The QUICKIE!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Technical Delays

Well we have all the equipment that we need for Season Two plus a new host.

We decided that No Pro Audio needs to grow, not to pro but just performance wise.

The show WILL return and we will be returning with better equipment and better quality, just please don't lose faith in us.

Trust. Me I know the wait and all the delays are frustrating and Kevin and I are wanting to record a show just as bad as our listeners  want us to but unfortunately we are having technical issues.

As much money and work we have been putting into this second season sadly I lt may never be noticed.

As for the third new host... Well we will be introducing a new host to the show in the second season. Maybe not as soon as we would like but as soon as we can when we can get a third microphone.

He is wanting to contribute and has contributed already and he's excited to be on the show.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We Now Have A Soundboard

We are expecting some goofy sound effects on the show as well.

We now have a soundboard with a library of goofy sounds, we have over 200 sounds.

We will sound like a radio talk show if we're not careful.

Just thought I let you know.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

When Will We Return?!

I know, I know I'm just as excited and anxious as the next person and the suspense is killing me as well.

We have half of the equipment we were needing to get for Season Two but we are now just waiting on the rest of our money to come in to buy the rest. I'm estimating we will be able to order in two months or more. Plus the waiting for it all to come in.

I know I have been as calm as I could be waiting for all this because all it's doing is teasing me and leaving me helpless to make an episode until all of it comes in.

We have set up an shout out number that you can call.

The number is 1-316-530-3074

You can leave us a shout out or say whatever you want or ask questions or even talk about the topic of the week.

We are hoping this will replace the emails all together, if not then let it be.

Well I've sat down and planned out the timing the format of the show to a set timed scheduled that will all be automated from sounds to segments to background music.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Two New Mics

So we were able to get two new microphones for the studio to bring out a better quality show for you.

We have tested them out and they are perfects for all the stuff we are trying to do. 

Especially for recording the podcast.