Well one of the things we've been noticing with our listeners and friends is they can't download our episodes without making an account and here's some of our possible solutions that we will be looking over.
For one, we dDo enjoy our support and our time to listen to our show and believe it or not your views are a great help to help us figure out the popularity of episode or how well received a certain topic is so we can easily decide better topics for the future or learn what to keep doing or what to change for the better of the show.
So our hosting site is YourListen and to download an uploaded audio file you would need to create an account and then you can download BUT I really don't want to force someone to join another site against their own will just to download an episode so I've been looking at our settings on our account to see of we can let guest download without making an account.
If we can't then we will make a guest listener account for free for anyone to use just to log in and download possibly comment on an episode.
We are dedicated and willing to make it easier for you the listener, there will be restrictions on the account and in order to se those restrictions we will set up the account for that and that only.
We can't afford to let anyone come in and change the settings, adding other accounts as favorites or upload... Come to think of it that gives me a future idea for down the road of listening life.
Uploaded listener question account... Him...
Well this account will be restricted to download and comment only.
If you do feel like making an account then that would be great to see that support because adding an episode to your favorites does help is too but then again we are just here for fun so we won't expect that : D
Well I'll get to work on that but check our site out and listen to Episode 16 - 1930's Appreciation.